Jack McCarthy has a holistic approach to Food Safety-literally from farm to fork.
Not alone does he know his suppliers but he knows the farmers & the land that produce the quality meats he stocks. He has his own registered abattoir at Kanturk. Traceability at McCarthy meats is not just about batch numbers but honest relationships built on long association & trust.
Jack McCarthy’s shop is registered with Health Service Executive and is audited on a regular basis by the local environmental health officer. His abattoir is also approved and audited by vetinary officer of the Dept of Agriculture.
Jack consults with Mary Daly, one of the leading, national food safety professionals.
McCarthy Meats is fully compliant legally under Regulation EC 178/2002, Regultion EC 852/2004 and Regulation 853/2004.
In operation is a Food Safety Management System based on the principles of HACCP.
In addition McCarthy Meats are one of only six Butchers nation wide to be selected & approved by Bord Bia Quality Assurance Scheme for Retail Butchers.
Finally, Tim has sought approval from the Coeliac society Of Ireland for his Gluten Free Sausages and will be part of their 2010 Manufactured Products List.
McCarthy meats not alone continuously strive for higher standards but actually set the standards for themselves & others!